Watercolor RED HAIR GIRL painting

November 8, 2019

Watercolor RED HAIR GIRL painting


Since the winter is approaching, and with it snow, I wanted to paint a snowy scenery.

And as I do not do portraits and people a lot, but want to, I found this one perfect choice.

In my reference photo there is no hair, but I decided at the end to add red hair to that girl. 🙂

I encourage you to try sketching yourself, but if not, you are welcome to use my sketch. And you can also add hair, red or other, or not… your painting your choice…

You can watch the video on my YouTube channel so please watch it here or click on the video. Attribution for using it is appreciated (by linking to my YouTube channel), but not necessary.


For those who have Instagram profile please use #renatatotart and tag me @renatatotart if you do the painting, so I can see it…


Big hug…


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